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Signature Weddings. Stylish Events.

From weddings to birthdays to celebrations of all kinds... we've got you covered. 

San Francisco Wedding Videography

When it comes to covering your wedding you can look no further. Whether it's a 25 person celebration or 500 guests, we capture the spirit of that special day.


We cater to all denominations and religious beliefs and are 100% LGBTQ friendly.

San Francisco Wedding Videography
Events & Galas

​Award show? Opening night? Conference? We provide top notch service for every event.


From single camera all day coverage to multi camera set ups. No event is too small nor too big.

San Francisco Wedding Videography
Parties & Celebrations 

Sweet Sixteen? 80th birthday? Wedding anniversary?

To celebrate life there can never be a dull moment and we strive in capturing the spirit of fun that ensues. 

© 2015 by Kept 1 Media.

Tel +1 (415) 448-7192

Based in the San Francisco Bay Area

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